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Puna Strong 2022


Equality HI Planning Second Puna Strong Virtual Resource Fair

Pahoa, Hawai‘i - Equality HI, a grassroots nonprofit serving the LGBTQ+ community on Hawai‘i Island is hosting the second Puna Strong Virtual Resource Fair on Friday April 08, 2022.

“With the success of our initial Fair in November of 2021, we have the privilege and honor to develop and deliver the Puna Strong 2022 Virtual Resource Fair for the residents of Puna in partnership with the Hawai‘i Community Foundation,” said Ray Saludares, Board President of Equality HI. “It aligns perfectly with our mission to build a thriving and empowered culture that proactively engages in creating an inclusive and diverse queer community through Aloha, Leadership, Resources, Services, and Education.

The grant will be used to create a virtual resource fair geared toward LGBTQ+ individuals, and open to all Puna residents impacted by the 2018 Kilauea eruption and the COVID-19 pandemic. The program will provide information and access to employment and financial literacy, housing resources, healthcare, domestic violence and human trafficking, community building activities, cultural services, and LGBTQ+ history and issues in Hawai‘i.

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